It is often assumed, and mostly by those who don’t know the world of esports that the life of an esports player is easy. That whole “You play video games for a living?” line of thinking is still pervasive, even among those who should know better.
It can affect fans too. Whether you’re an esports betting enthusiast looking for the best New York sports betting bonuses while betting on your favorite tournaments, or a Dota 2 fanatic talking about the latest event, there is a tendency to treat the players as though they too were video game characters, impervious to the standard human weaknesses.
But while an esports professional’s life may appear to be a glamorous one, there is another side to it. The risk of injury is always there in esports, and as a result of their hard training and the unique character of their sport, esports athletes may suffer from a number of ailments, some of which can be career-ending.
Esports injuries
Unlike traditional athletes, there is no support system in place to assist players in avoiding, treating, and caring for injuries, which can exacerbate problems, in some cases leading to the end of their professional careers. The most common complaint among esports players is eye tiredness, followed by neck and back pain, and then pain in the hand and wrist.
Eye problems
When you spend all day staring at a computer screen, it’s difficult to avoid some kind of eye strain. Most monitors generate blue light that can irritate the eyes, which is especially problematic for esports players, who spend a significant portion of their day – generally 8-10 hours – absolutely focused on a monitor. Their eyesight may degrade as a result of the required level of concentration and reaction speed.
Pain in the back and neck
Back and neck discomfort are, without a doubt, two of the most common ailments that gamers who sit in the same position for long periods of time suffer from. This is frequently caused by incorrect posture and inappropriate gaming chairs. It’s common for players in top-tier competitive esports to slump or move closer to the screen, both of which can contribute to long-term difficulties.
Hand ache
In many sports, repetitive strain injuries (RSI) are common. They occur when you must repeatedly use the same small group of muscles in the same manner. Esports players are especially vulnerable to hand and wrist injuries – the body is simply not built to go through the same precise activities utilizing the same array of muscles thousands of times a day. For many esports gamers, RSI is a widespread issue, and longer-term issues such as arthritis can also arise.
Wrist ache
The most common wrist illness is carpal tunnel syndrome. When the carpal tunnel grows too narrow, and the structures within it run out of room, this ailment occurs. As a result, the mid-arm nerve and the small veins that supply the carpal tunnel are put under increased strain, and the neuron is depleted of oxygen and nutrients. Long-term problems, including arm numbness and the gradual loss of fine motor functions, both of which can be career-ending, may emerge as a result of the impairment.
Injury prevention in esports
To avoid or limit the effects of these types of injury, it is critical for esports players, particularly those who are not on the rosters of a big team and so do not have access to the resources or support that some of the top players enjoy, to take appropriate precautions,
Consider the equipment you use as a way to reduce eye strain. Some displays now have blue light reduction technology and are designed to protect your eyes, so these are often good choices. Protective eyewear against blue light and screen flicker should also be considered.
Back and neck pain might be relieved by investing in a high-quality gaming chair with sufficient lumbar support. A customized mattress may also be beneficial – a mattress that provides adequate support can allow your back and neck muscles to fully relax and recuperate while you sleep.
There are also various precautions you may take to prevent hand and wrist injuries, including a range of arm stretching exercises and using a rubber band around your hand to strengthen your hand muscles. Stretching and keeping a healthy general level of fitness can also assist in reducing the chance of significant injury and guarantee that your esports gaming career does not end before it begins.