Nothing spoils life more than false dilemmas and a black-and-white view of the world. Cannabis or sports is a classic example. Weed is commonly thought to be at odds with a healthy lifestyle when in fact, the two go well together and complement each other.ย
There are now no scientifically supported grounds against cannabis usage by amateur and professional athletes equally. Benefits and drawbacks are decided by the specific body and a sense of proportion, not by stereotypes and preconceptions.ย
Before, only the inter-competition time was permitted for the use of marijuana extracts and synthetic THC formulations.ย
Due to the variable elimination durations of cannabis, several athletes have experienced false positives, losing medals and being disqualified for three months to a year.ย
Just because an athlete ingested smoke at a party a few days before a performance, a doping sample may have tested positive.
If you’re looking to explore the potential benefits of cannabis for your athletic performance, you can shop for vaporizers here that offer a cleaner and more controlled way to consume cannabis without the harmful effects of smoking.
Since CBD doesn’t have any hallucinogenic effects, using it is not illegal. However, utilizing CBD oil might result in a positive sample since THC may be present in small amounts in CBD extracts.ย
A lot of sportsmen acknowledge taking medicinal marijuana to reduce stress and avoid overtraining syndrome. So, how does marijuana affect your athletic performance?
1. Analgesic Effect
With few adverse effects, cannabis’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties mix very effectively. This is the rationale behind the widespread use of marijuana by athletes during rigorous training. A weed pen is a better option than opiates and anti-inflammatory drugs.
To ensure potent analgesic effects, make sure to choose high-quality weed from a reliable vendor. You should also get your cannabis from stores that offer you weed delivery in Ontario or any other place where cannabis is legal – to maximize the convenience.
2. Faster Recovery
Theoretically, physical therapy treatments, stretching, and massage can help with this, but it’s simpler to score a joint or land a hit than to torment oneself with stretching and put up with a massage therapist’s cruel manipulations.ย
Over time, herbalists’ resistance to physical exertion increases markedly: the blood supply to muscles and local metabolism improves, resulting in a faster recovery of the body from injuries and extreme exertion.
3. Relaxing the Nervous System
Smoking cannabis also has the added effect of calming the nervous system. Nervous weariness and burnout are frequently caused by high expectations, enthusiasm, and the necessity to focus for extended periods of time on boring tasks.ย
A few puffs of cannabis before a workout, despite the drug’s reputation as a distraction, may help certain athletes gather themselves and stay focused.ย
Additionally, many wrestlers assert that cannabis relieves the soul as well as the body, promoting improvisation during the match. By using unique tactics, you can win by confusing your opponent.
4. Increasing Physical and Mental Stamina, Stress Resistance, and Pain Threshold
Increased physical endurance, a higher stress tolerance, and a lower pain threshold are other signs of cannabis’ beneficial benefits to an athlete’s body.ย
Cannabis reduces the emotions and memories linked to pain and fear, so athletes who take it do not linger on the bad side and can handle discomfort better.ย
However, in extreme sports, the unstoppable optimism might mislead the athlete, causing them to underestimate the threat and run the risk of suffering a life-altering injury.
5. Boosting Metabolism
The benefit of smoking cannabis is that it speeds up your metabolism. All calories are burned instantly, and you don’t have time to settle on your waistline. On the contrary, pot lovers are three times less likely to suffer from obesity, insulin resistance, and type II diabetes.ย
A lot of people know that you don’t have to worry about counting calories if you smoke weed, vape pen, and exercise. Because THC is deposited in adipose tissue, the fat-burning effect of exercise has a prolonged effect, like eating cannabis and other surprise sweets.
6. Prevent the Development of Atherosclerosis
During the utilization of fat reserves, cannabinoids prevent the development of atherosclerosis and activate the elimination of low-density lipoproteins, from which cholesterol plaques are formed. In addition, cannabis makes it much easier to switch to a fast diet and to stop raiding the fridge at night.
7. Fatigue Reduction
A dry herb vape pen helps to tolerate monotonous workouts, reduces fatigue, and eliminates muscle discomfort, but to gain weight is important not only regular exercise but also high levels of male sex hormones, testosterone, and scientists have not yet determined how cannabinoids affect the male hormonal status.
8. Muscle Growth in Ectomorph Athletes
Cannabis can indirectly promote muscle growth in ectomorph athletes, who find it difficult to gain mass due to the constitutional predominance of catabolic processes and the strong excitability of the nervous system. A lean guy needs to grow some Zen before he can build muscle, so the relaxing effects of herbal substances will come in handy.
9. Saturation Improvement
Cannabis stimulates the appetite, which ectomorphs usually don’t excel at. Not so long-ago cannabinoid receptors were discovered in the cortical centers, which are responsible for food reinforcement and enjoyment of a hearty meal, and which, when bound with THC, trigger the production of the hormone ghrelin, which induces the feeling of hunger.
So, what is the conclusion to be drawn from the conflicting opinions? No matter what the scientific fraternity says, each of us ends up alone with our own bodies and the green queen.ย
Thanks to a dry herb vaporizer pen, there is less fatigue and discomfort in the muscles, it is easier to concentrate on the process, blood circulation and metabolism are activated, the saturation is improved, the fat-burning effect is enhanced, and much more.ย
On the other hand, the stimulation of metabolic processes by cannabis is partly achieved by increasing the load on the cardiovascular system.ย
That’s why people with heart problems and hypertension are better off taking it easy and exercising at a comfortable pace without resorting to stimulants. Sometimes shortness of breath and chest pains appear even in healthy but untrained people, warning that you need to moderate your ambitions.ย
If you decide to consume before a run to invigorate your mind and body, start with small doses to avoid unpleasant surprises. A couple of times a week, you can also blow in the evening for relaxation after the gym, but try to maintain an interval between the last puff and going to bed so that nervous excitement doesn’t interfere with deep sleep.ย