It has long been no secret that computer games are not only fun entertainment, but also a great way to boost the mental abilities of players.
For people with autism, computer games play a big role. The gameplay stimulates problem solving through a creative approach, and forces the player to learn how to set goals and achieve them. Moreover, many formats of modern computer games provide people with autism with a safe and comfortable way to make new acquaintances and communicate with like-minded people. Let’s see how it is possible to upgrade skills and make friends through gaming!
Learning and Thinking
You may have noticed that many of the functions and tasks in computer games are similar to those that we do in real life. Reaction speed, strategic and critical thinking, the ability to build communication – all this is in gaming.
So, thanks to role-playing video games, the player learns to solve problems creatively and communicate effectively with other players.
With the help of games of the match-three genre, players develop intelligence and speed of decision-making, choosing the most successful combinations from those presented on the screen.
Users can improve concentration thanks to simple card gambling games such as solitaire or easy online casino tournaments. See the tournament offers at Level Up Casino and get to know the players online. This is a great way to hone your communication and intelligence skills. Memory boosting games are also a good option. Remember the order of the pictures in the mini-games and guess their location face down.
Gaming as Therapy Method
Unfortunately, classical methods of therapeutic work for people with autism may not always be available. Professionals in the field of therapy have noticed that playful forms of exercise help people with autism very effectively. For example, the famous Minecraft game is used in a number of therapeutic programs. Such exercises help people to increase their comfort level.
However, like many other processes, computer games can be harmful if people with autism immerse themselves in them uncontrollably. People with autism have a number of reasons why their gameplay requires maximum attention.
Stress and Anxiety
According to statistics, 7 out of 10 people with autism have at least one concomitant mental illness. Anxiety and depression are quite common among people with autism.
This state of mind makes players vulnerable, because the virtual world is a great place to drown out experiences. This is how people with autism can develop a risky, excessive passion for the game. Games are a very easy and enjoyable entertainment, a way to distract attention, which quickly gives the brain an increased level of dopamine. So the player can get a real addiction.
Threats and Scams on The Internet
People with autism can often face social and communication difficulties. This gives rise to feeling isolated, and therefore vulnerable and overly trusting.
These circumstances lead to the fact that people with autism are more likely to be subjected to cyberbullying, attacks by Internet scammers and even online harassment. Such conditions create an unsafe environment for people with autism. However, everything can be foreseen, and negative situations can be avoided, the main thing is to know and remember that this happens. Forewarned means armed.
Thus, gaming is really a good form of skill building. Gaming can give new friends and add joy to life. However, it is important to remember that games should be in moderation. Only then will people with autism feel safe and comfortable. The supervision of competent specialists and the supervision of loved ones will definitely help a person with autism to maintain a healthy relationship with himself and with computer games.
Let gaming become only a benefit and a joy!