Gaming performance is not just dependent on a good console or a high-end gaming PC; it also requires skills, proper system optimization, and dedication. Competitive video games are the most demanding of your commitment and practice. However, there are some ways that can make a significant difference in your gaming performance.
Whether you are completing campaigns offline, playing competitively, or just enjoying blackjack online on Bodog as a beginner, practicing good gaming habits will take you a long way. Many professional players and those who stay on leaderboards are there because they have mastered the art of gaming. Chances are, if they are good at a certain FPS game, that means they will have similar output on any game of the same genre with little to no practice. They have the best accessories, tools, settings, and habits that give them a massive advantage over the average gamer.
To that end, we have made the following list of tips and tricks that will help you become a better player.
Optimize Windows Settings & In-Game Settings
Operating system settings can limit your gaming performance. The same applies to in-game settings too. Optimizing your Windows settings to best suit a game’s requirements is the best way to go. In highly competitive games like Valorant, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Rainbow Six: Seige, and more, fps settings are much more important than graphics, and lowering the latter will help boost the game’s performance by reducing input lag.
On the other hand, some games use graphics more than frames, so you will have to adjust them accordingly. There are various other system optimizations than the aforementioned settings that will boost your gaming performance.
Build Muscle Memory By Using Custom Key Assignments
Using the same key assignments for all games is a fantastic way to build muscle memory. If you are using a console, like PS5, you can remap controller buttons and customize them to suit your preferences. This is much easier for keyboard and mouse players as the PC offers way more customization options than any console.
Moreover, you can create custom profiles of button assignments for different games on PS5. Sony’s console allows you to customize stick sensitivity/dead zone, trigger dead zone, vibration intensity, and trigger effect intensity in addition to button assignments. This makes it easier for controller players to find the perfect combination of settings needed to make the gaming experience more dynamic.
Always Use The Same Mouse Sensitivity
If you ever missed a shot while adjusting your aim, or struggled with keeping crosshair steady, then your mouse sensitivity settings might be at fault. To fix this problem, you need to try out various sensitivity settings until you find a perfect one. However, it is not that easy, some players are used to playing with very high sensitivity, and some prefer low. Once you find the perfect sensitivity, practice a lot using it to build muscle memory.
There are websites out there that help you convert one game’s mouse sensitivity settings to another. Use them to stick to your preferred settings for all your games.
Learn From The Best
So, you have all the right tools and devices at your disposal but still, think your performance is lacking? Watching how professionals play your favorite games can teach you a lot. You can learn from their experience, as elite players usually have more hours in a game than the average player. Hence more knowledge about the game mechanics for you to absorb.
Players who top the leaderboards know how to employ the right tricks in tough situations. Watching these players on streaming platforms will help you learn the best strategies, mechanical skills, and techniques needed to improve your gaming success.
Upgrade Your Gaming Setup By Investing In The Right Equipment
Having a higher refresh rate monitor or a headphone with top-notch audio quality will give you a massive edge over other players. A good gaming monitor offers low input lag, which makes your movements more precise and accurate. If you want to improve your K/D ratio and perform better overall in competitive games, investing in a high-end monitor is a wise decision.
A great gaming headset allows you to hear enemies from all directions, and on speakers, you don’t get this advantage. Similarly, investing in a mechanical keyboard, a customizable mouse, or an elite controller will drastically affect your performance.
Take A Break, Exercise Your Muscles, And Stay Hydrated
Long gaming sessions can induce fatigue, build stress or lead to burnout. Taking regular breaks and exercising in between gaming sessions will not only increase your concentration but will also help you prevent serious back pains. Your body being in a healthy state is essential for having fast reaction times and increased focus. Dehydration adversely affects cognitive performance, so make sure you stay hydrated while gaming.
Improve Your Posture
A bad posture will always limit you from improving your skills. If you are a PC gamer, one of the best things you can do to improve your aim is to have good arm placement. This will allow you to move your mouse with more freedom and also reduce stress on your muscles. An ergonomic chair combined with a desk that matches your height will help you sit comfortably, further improving your posture.