Many athletes who are competing in high-pressure environments like the Olympics need to be able to breathe...
Marshmallows expand in a vacuum because the air inside them is not compressed. When you compress the...
A new apple cider company, Apple Cider Company, is launching in Norwalk. The drink will be made...
Horseshoe crabs, bizarrely shaped creatures that’re a cross between a horseshoe and an old-school crab, are known...
UPS employees wear brown because UPS is a package delivery company. The color brown symbolizes the packages...
Have you ever been outside with a balloon in your hand, ready to share a moment of...
The men’s Wimbledon trophy is the most coveted tennis silverware in the world. It was given to...
It is one of the most exciting, dynamic and technically challenging levels in all of sports. The...
Fish meat typically comes in two colors: red, which is typical of the blood vessels and oxygenated...
People can breathe underwater because the pressure is higher than that of the surrounding water. A scuba...